Wednesday, December 13, 2006

the "greatest human rights violation ever"

Certain Moonbats love to refer to Guantanamo Bay as an evil dungeon. They would be well advised to take a tour, and see just how good the prisoners have it. They might even get a free cocktail. The US officers in charge of this place should be allowed to rule with an iron fist, but as soon as they lay a finger on one of these feces-flinging monkeys the media will proclaim, "Abuse!"

Read the article, and tell me who the good guys are in this worldwide struggle against radical Islam. The last 2 paragraphs are telling:
Al Qaeda inmates have been taught to lie about Camp Delta and claim torture. Officials cited a terrorist training manual known as the Manchester Document and seized by British authorities in 2000. The manual directs al Qaeda operatives to make false claims of torture and mistreatment. More than 340 people have been released from Camp Delta.

“They're out there walking around spewing forth all manner of lies and evil things and distortions, but the fact is that they're released," Adm. Harris said.

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