Don't read this if you belong to PETA. Then again, maybe you should.
Friday morning I was actually steelhead fishing with a fellow who offered to take me down the Clearwater River in his driftboat, yet I brought along my rifle just in case. And a good thing it was, for as we drifted along I spotted a whitetail buck and his would-be mate up the rugged slope from the north shore. Too far for me to confidently take a clean shot from the rocking boat, so I went ashore. Both deer disappeared above the rimrock at the top of the steep canyon. I hiked quite a ways up the slope and then downriver to no avail. Got back in the boat, then around the next bend in the river there were more deer. We put to shore downstream a bit so as not to spook the animals, and just as I jumped out of the boat two more does appeared on the slope just above me, more than 100 but less than 150 yards away. For a brief moment they both stopped and stood broadside, so I took the larger of the two.
After the shot both animals headed for a ravine but only one came out. Turns out my quarry only made it 10 yards or so, collapsing stone dead in the bottom of the ravine amidst the blackberry thorns. I'd hit her in the middle of the chest cavity just behind the shoulder, precisely my point of aim, destroying only a small portion of the rib meat on either side. After an awkward struggle to get her out of the ravine I cleaned her out, then drug her down to the shore where we heaved her in the back of the boat and floated downriver. That evening and Saturday were spent taking care of the high-quality meat, for which we are grateful.
I should mention that less than an hour after we had the deer tagged and in the boat, I spotted a super nice trophy buck, at least a 5 by 5 and really wide, gracefully browsing the foliage close to the river. Wow. Could've easily shot him from the boat. There was a time when I really would have been frustrated at not getting the trophy. Not anymore. Sure, we use all the meat whether it's from a trophy animal or not, but this late in the season the doe will be much better eating. If you're a trophy hunter who also takes good care of the meat and puts it all to good use, then that's okay. But if you're the type of hunter, all too common, who hunts only trophy animals, then fails to properly care for the meat and/or tries to pawn it off on whoever will take it, I have no use for you. You are rather selfish and should seriously reconsider your priorities. Leave the animals in the forest for others to enjoy.
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