Thursday, November 16, 2006

Common Sense in Idaho

I love this state. The town of Greenleaf, Idaho (population @900) now requires residents to own guns. Most households already have guns, so I suppose the law is a little redundant. The town's most violent crime in the last two years was a fistfight. Burglary is practically non-existent. A reason for passing this law might have been to ensure that anti-gun Californicators moving in would not want to buy up the town's cheap real estate.

Where's the bloodbath? Crime in the streets? The OK coral shootouts? Someone needs to call Sarah Brady asap and put a stop to this town's flagrant endorsement of violence!

An armed society really is a polite society.

Guess what else happened today? Over 80 million gun-owners DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE!

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