Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What if Iran and China join forces against the USA?

You say, "It could never happen!" I say, "Not so fast, Buddy."


China needs lots of oil.

Iran has lots of oil.

Iran wants nuclear weapons.

China has nuclear weapons.

Iran wants to nuke Israel, but the U.S. supports democratic Israel.

China wants to take back Taiwan, but the U.S. has said it will defend democratic Taiwan.

China's HUGE military buildup of the last decade enables them to project more and more power overseas, to protect oil shipping lanes, take Taiwan, or even invade the USA.

Iran's Islamo-Fascist regime hates the West, especially Israel and the USA. Lest anyone need a reminder, this is the regime that few months ago publicly hung a 15 year old girl for the "crime" of publicly holding hands with a man. That incident is but one of many examples of how extreme these people are. They are seething with hatred for anything that goes against the grain of their Sharia law, such as democracy.

"My enemy's enemy is my friend." - ancient middle eastern proverb

Still think it could never happen?

The back-room deals have probably been made already. Hope we're all ready. It's time to stop monkeying around in Iraq and focus instead on the real threats to world security.

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